Today’s THP Money Market Trend: 200913
Mortgage Loans w/ Zero Points 30yr: 2.875% 15yr: 2.5% Based on: FNMA/FMAC 15 Yr & 30 Yr Conforming No Points 70% Owner/Occ Purchase: 760+ FICO Your exact Loan Type, Property Type, Loan Size, Loan-to-Value, Debt Ratio, Occupancy, Credit, Income and other factors all impact your personal interest rate. If your rate is higher than above, it may be worth getting a personalized quote. If your THP Sponsor is a mortgage lender or professional, please call or refer to him/her for that information. Completing the Form below will route you to that person. If your THP Sponsor is NOT a mortgage professional, Get a Personalized Quote by completing…
Wise Organizations
Here is a short list of organizations who spend dollars to give the less fortunate a “hand-up” out of poverty. Instead of just giving “hand-outs,” these organizations offer support and seek to provide a mentality and training which offers a sustainable effect and ability for its recipients to “pass down” the same mentality and benefits to others: Hope International – click here BCM – Baja Christian Ministries – click here The Harvest Plan has been supporting both these organizations for many years and have found their board, their directors and their missions to be of high quality, character and benefit and value to the impoverished around the world.
Meet with The Harvest
Can’t wait to meet with you! Choose your meeting below. Annual Tax Appointment: Follow the 2 Steps Below: Submit ALL your docs to us 4 Business Days Prior to Date of Meeting: Mail to: Mark Harvey, 4000 Barranca Pkwy, suite 250, Irvine, CA 92604), Email to: moneyplancoach@gmail.com, Fax to: 949-203-2100 …OR Request a secure upload link by emailing to: moneyplancoach@gmail.com. Click Here – Choose date at least 3 business days past the date docs have been received by Harvest Financial Planning Consultation for THP GOLD MEMBERS 50 Minute 1-on-1 THP Set-up $99 – Click Here 25 Minute Consultation $75 – Click Here 50 Minute Consultation $135 – Click…
NON-CASH Contributions Worksheet
Did you GIVE OVER $500 in Fair Market Value of NON-CASH GIFTS to Charities this year? If so, use this worksheet to list your gifts for your tax return (if claiming total under $500, no form or listing is necessary). Download PDF Version Download MS Excel Version “NON-CASH” Contributions are most commonly clothing, electronics, furniture, & other items and other “Hard Assets” given. Whereas, “Cash Contributions” are cash, checks and “Financial” contributions provided, NOT reported as part of non-cash gifts.
IRA Contribution Limits – 2020
For 2020, your total contributions to all of your traditional and Roth IRAs cannot be more than: $6,000 ($7,000 if you’re age 50 or older), or your taxable compensation for the year (if your compensation was less than the limits above). For 2019, the limits are the same as 2020 Read Full IRS Article Other Related Questions: IRA Deductions if COVERED by Employer Plan (IE, 401k and other) IRA Deductions if NOT COVERED by Employer Retirement Plan Spousal IRAs If you file a joint return, you may be able to contribute to an IRA even if you did not have taxable compensation as long as your spouse did. The amount of your combined…
Certification and Authorization Form
Please complete the following two steps: Step 1: Click Here to complete Certification and Authorization Form – Send: by fax: 949-203-2100 or email direct to: moneyplancoach@gmail.com) Step 2: Complete the following link for self (& spouse if joint application)
Where & When to Make Income Tax Payments
WHERE to Make INCOME TAX Payments: IRS as an individual – this is what you pay on your 1040 at the end of each tax year. State as an individual – this is what you pay on your state return at the end of each year State as a corporation / entity – this is what you pay your state as a corporation (depending on each state) TO MAKE IRS Income Tax Payments as an individual: click here …usually this is the amount owed on Form 1040 …It will ask you:
Decisions Video Tutorial
Decisions: Basic Input Tool-Torial Decisions B Deeper Dive Tool-Torial
Health Insurance Video Tutorial
Health Insurance Basic Input Tool-Torial Health Insurance B Deeper Dive Input Tool-Torial
Life & Disability Insurance Video Tutorial
Life and Disability Basic Input Tool-Torial Life and Disability B Deeper Dive Tool-Torial
Home Insurance Video Tutorial
Home Insurance Basic Input Tool-Torial Home Insurance B Deeper Dive Tool-Torial
Re, Mtg, Bus Video Tutorial
Real Estate, Mortgage & Business Basic Input Tool-Torial Real Estate, Mortgage & Business Tool-Torial B Deeper Dive
Basic Tutorial Videos – Level One
The Harvest Plan – How it works – Click Here: You spend 5-15 minutes per week in an organized, engineered plan that combines with professional grade financial tools to maximize your finances and gain financial peace, power and clarity like nothing else can provide! Basic Navigation of The Harvest Plan Website – Click Here: Here is how the website operates and how to easily navigate on the website. Family Basic Input Tutorial – Click Here: This video contains the basic input video for inputting detailed data into the “Family” module. Income Basic Input Tutorial – Click Here: This video contains the basic input video for inputting detailed data…
FTB Installment Plan
Completing an installment plan with FTB is relatively simple. You can do it via phone, in writing or complete an online request. Your best starting place to go through this process is posted HERE and below at the “START HERE” link. But here are some basic items you will want to know in advance: Generally speaking, you can apply if: Your balance is less than $25,000 You plan on paying your balance in less than 60 months Your tax return filings are up to date You are not in an existing payment plan with FTB Be prepared to set-up a monthly auto-withdrawl from your bank account and DON’T…
Money Saving Inquiries
How much could you save? Spend 10-15 minutes and find out. For Tax Analysis – Click Here For Mortgage Rate Inquiry – Click Here For Mortgage Loan Application – Click Here For Real Estate Analysis – Click Here For Investment Analysis – Click Here For Home Insurance Inquiry – Click Here For Auto Insurance Inquiry – Click Here For Life Insurance Inquiry – Click Here
IRS – What if I change addresses?
As of this post, the most updated IRS Form for change of address is posted here: IRS Form 8822. To get the most updated form, do a search for: “IRS Form 8822” So, what should I do if I move?? If you are waiting on a refund, all you can do is make sure you file a change of address with the US Post Office. Hopefully, they get the job done and your refund gets routed to you. Click Here for a link to change address for USPS. If no refund is pending, simply file the IRS Form 8822. That will ensure that any and all IRS letters,…
How long do I need to keep my tax records?
IRS rule is audits (and amending returns) can occur within 3 years of the date of filing a tax return. Then you and IRS are clear from revision, except…. IRS can and will pull returns from years previous to that – not necessarily to audit previous years, but for reference purposes (their records would likely be available to you too, should that occur). Meaning, they won’t necessarily audit those previous returns, but could use them to validate history if you “claimed” positions on those previous returns. So, you can get “stuck” with positions made from returns prior to that 3-year rule and there are times when records pertaining…
Free 15 Minute, Financial Plan
Click “Read More” and then click the play button below to play the Tutorial for your Free, 15 Minute, Financial Plan.